My name is Ana(A.K.A. ThatMotoGal) I live in Los Angeles, California and I was 27 years old when I first got on the back of a motorcycle.
It was very exhilarating at first, but about three rides later I realized I wanted the motorcycle to follow my commands muahaha. The thing was... no one in my family had ever ridden a motorcycle. I had no one to guide me and no idea where to start. So I went online, did some research, and decided to take a riding course.
The moment I began expressing my passion for motorcycles and my ambition to learn how to ride, along with my desire to join an all-women motorcycle community, I was bombarded with every cliché imaginable:
-"Women don't ride motorcycles"
-"You're not strong enough"
-"You're too small"
-"You have a death wish"
-"Motorcycle people are mean and vile"
-"Why are you trying to be a bad girl?"
Silly right? But I was determined and on August 18, 2019, I passed the Beginner Motorcycle Rider Course and became the first person in my family to learn how to ride a motorcycle! 13 days later, I registered my 2014 Harley Davidson Iron 1200.
Deciding to ride a motorcycle had an immense impact on my life. I was nervous at first, but once my riding gear was on I knew I could do it. A lot of the lessons I've learned on the road have translated into my daily life. It's easier for me to make important decisions and to stand up for myself. I feel more confident and in control of my life.
Anyone Can Ride a Motorcycle
What came next was joining an all-women motorcycle community, The Litas Los Angeles. When I arrived to their Guardian Bell Exchange event (best way to begin your motorcycle journey if you ask me), I felt so intimidated by their confidence, and the 25+ motorcycles neatly parked on the street. Little did I know that they were the most loving, kind, friendly and most inspiring people I have ever encountered in my life. I was welcomed with open arms. You might think that communities like these are exclusive, but I am here to tell you that's simply not the case. I feel proud to be part of this community. Seeing the surprised look on people's faces when they see over fifty of us riding brings me so much joy, especially when I hear them say,"Look! They are all women."
I want to encourage everyone to try, to get knocked down (by a 500+ pound motorcycle), and get back up again because the reward IS worth it. The freedom you feel on the road is beyond compare, and there is nothing like lowering your left hand to salute a fellow rider knowing that they are not strangers, but part of the ever growing family that you have yet to meet. I hope that when you read this, you know that there's a community here waiting for you.